Coupe de la vaillante fermière
Other title(s): Den beker der heldhaftigen boerin
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1930
Runtime: 00:15:54
Description: Report of the prize camp organised by the Boerinnenbond in which various proficiency tests crown the 'heroic peasant woman'. The competition will take place at the agricultural science school in Laken near Brussels. The nine participants have to carry out different tests that a modern farmer's wife must be able to do: peeling a kilo of potatoes against time, making a bouquet, cooking, sewing, analysing milk samples, working in the vegetable garden, keeping children busy for 15 minutes, ... The competition was part of the international household exhibition. This was followed by an overview of the exhibition and a dinner in the travelling household school car, followed by a performance with plays and rhythmic washing and ironing exercises.
Provider: Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique
Rights: Public Domain
Colour: Black & White
Director: André Villers
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Language: fr;nl